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Midwife Support, Home Birth with Birthing Pool in London

Private Midwives were contacted by Rosie in London who was interested in the help the Private Midwives could offer during her pregnancy and birth.

With this being her first child, Rosie wanted to make sure that she could do everything possible to make it a most memorable experience.

Rosie runs a blog filled with her life experiences and has written a beautiful peace relating to her daughter's birth and the experience she had with Private Midwives. Read the Rosie's Birth Story Here

How was your experience of using Private Midwives?

  • 'Cheryl came by the house for all of my checkups, so I never needed to go into the hospital. We’d sit at the kitchen table over cups of tea and chocolate biscuits while I fired questions at her. We discussed endless articles, studies, ideas, she settled each and every one of my fears.'
    'In short she made my pregnancy a hundred and one times better than it would have been without her.'

Meet the midwife

Birth is a very personal and intimate event. We recognise how important it is that you meet your midwife and have a “connection” so that you can develop a trusting, professional relationship going forward. We hold regular “meet the midwife” sessions where you can come along and chat to past clients, talk to the midwives and ask questions. We also offer you a free consultation to talk through things on a more personal level and discuss your individual needs and wishes. Please contact us for further information.

If you would like to find out about our Meet the Midwife sessions please call 0800 380 0579

Have a look at more of our testimonials here
